Comparison of Energy Prices

An opportunity to compare Energy Suppliers prices or as shown below, what the difference would be between old v new prices. The values shown below for British Gas (BG) Old & New are my increase in prices @ 1 Oct 2022 and shows how much extra I would have paid for the same period. Just received notification from BG what my prices will be without the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) discount wef 1 Apr 2023. NB These are my prices for demonstration, you can enter your own figures in the boxes.

Energy Supplier        
Meter Type **        
Vol Correction        
Calorific Value **        
kWh Conv        
VAT %        
# of Electric Days        
# of Gas Days        
Units Used - Electric        
Units Used - Gas        
S'g Charge - Electric        
S'g Charge - Gas        
kWh - Electric        
kWh - Gas        
Electric Used        
Electric S'g Charge        
Electric VAT        

Total Electric        
Gas Calculation        
Gas Used        
Gas S'g Charge        
Gas VAT        

Total Gas        
Total Energy        


** These values must be reviewed as they vary for each customer. The values entered here are what mine are currently. They are used to determine the Gas calculation figure so need to be correct. You should be able to obtain them from your latest bill. Personally I think an annual comparison does not prove much as rates seem to change throughout the year. The best test is to compare your latest bill period.